Reaching New Audiences

We deliver products that motivate inactive people to get more active. We produced audio guides for SMART phone download at two of Livingston’s urban woodland sites. The focus was to engage new audiences and get them taking healthy active recreation in their local woodlands. The content for the audio guides is available for Eliburn Wood and Deans Wood. We integrated the content from the audio guides with a site based orientation system and leaflet guide. The approach encouraged local participation through bringing alive the heritage intrigue in the backyards of the new town dwellers. These healthy activity resources (with a direct and very inclusive ‘why don’t you try?’ messaging) got local people out and about who wouldn’t have walked in the woods previously (confirmed through follow-up site surveying and surveys based at local service points) in Livingston.

We produce any sort of information and orientation resource required, even for whole cities. We produced the first versions of the 8 Explore Edinburgh guides which provided the site mapping and destination marketing for the whole city. We’ve produced numerous information and interpretation boards dedicated to promoting outdoor activity including the ‘Get about a bit’ information boards and the destination marketing boards x 5 for The Great Trossachs Path.

For example: This 250 degree panorama viewpoint board we did for PCWG captures the essence of landscape experience irresistibility. The client felt that the vast landscape views could be more appreciated if walkers were engaged in identifying key landscape features. The text content of the board focusses on the Kilmagad woods history and vision but also promotes key landmarks and attractions to visit locally. The board promotes further healthy walking activity beyond the Kilmagad site.

For more information get in touch with

Meriel YoungReaching New Audiences

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